Better Together Quilt Finish

 I'm halfway through my summer break and realized it's been a bit since I posted about what I'm working on.  The month of June, while my kids were in summer school, I totally immersed myself in creating and have lots of new stuff to share!  I've also been working on organizing my sewing studio (I love how fancy that sounds) and I'm super excited about the changes I've made to make my space more functional and inspiring so I'll be sharing more about that soon.  

Today I want to share about a recent quilt finish!  I've been all over the place with projects lately...I have about 4 current quilt projects in progress and several more finished quilt tops that need to be quilted, so to be able to share a finished quilt feels so good.  I absolutely love how my Better Together quilt from the Quilter's Candy QAL turned out!  This quilt was made entirely from half square triangles...over 400 of them!  

I straight line quilted it using the seams as a guide...I used my new Baby Lock Crescendo sewing machine (yes, I got a new sewing machine!!) and let me just say the dual feed walking foot and extra large throat space is amazing for quilting!  I used my 1/4 inch foot to quilt 1/4 inch away from the diagonal and horizontal seams, which created a really pretty pattern on the back, which you can kind of see in the picture below.  
I think my favorite thing about this quilt is the backing and binding.  I really wanted to create a vintage sort of feel with this quilt, and the large floral backing from Sharon Holland's Kismet line along with the ticking stripe linen binding helped achieve this look.  I originally had planned to use a different backing, but I'm so glad I changed my mind at the last minute.  

I'm so glad I decided to join this quilt along by Quilter's Candy.  It gave me so much confidence and the push I needed to tackle some more challenging quilt patterns.  If you've never participated in a quilt along, I highly recommend trying one.  It really is a great way to not only expand on your skills but to connect with other quilters too!  I'll definitely be joining more in the near future.  In fact, there's one coming up at the end of this month that I'll be participating in...the Little Miss Sawtooth QAL.  It's hosted by Melanie Traylor at Southern Charm Quilts and I've been crushing on all of her quilts and patterns lately so I'm super excited to being doing a quilt along with her!  Until then, I'll be keeping busy with my current WIPs, which I'll share more about shortly! 


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