Moving Along

I finished up another quilt yesterday and took these pics after taking it out of the dryer. I gotta say I am loving the walking foot for straight line quilting. I have not had any problems with the quilt layers shifting and the guide bar makes it really easy to keep those lines straight. I also learned how to baste my quilts using 505 spray adhesive and I can't imagine basting any other way. It is super easy and works great. Thanks to my Mom for introducing me to this method!

The binding turned out much better this time. I used the same method of machine stitching the binding to the back of the quilt by stitching in the ditch on the front, but I made a few alterations. I made my binding 2 1/4 inches instead of 2 1/2 and I also sewed the binding strips together using a diagonal seam instead of straight across. I didn't think this would make much of a difference, but it made those seams much less bulky. I also used thread in my bobbin to more closely match the binding. I am really pleased with the results and think this is an efficient and effective way to attach the binding.

The quilting really stands out in this picture. I used straight vertical lines spaced one inch apart again and I really like how it transforms the quilt. It is modern but it also gives the quilt that soft textured look that makes it cuddle worthy.

I was surprised at how quickly these small quilts come together. They can easily be finished up in a day. Which is great if you're making a gift for someone and have a deadline.

On to the next project. If I had as many quilts as I have books, then I'd really have a problem. I wonder if that's even possible...


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